Health is Wealth

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Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth-Terveys on Rikkautta is a three-year (2024–2026) STEA-funded project, which seeks to enhance immigrants ́awareness and understanding of health -related issues, emphasizing the importance of making informed lifestyle choices.
The project implementation will include community outreach events, individual guidance sessions on different health and wellbeing related topics, physical activity, webinars on different health related topics and peer support group sessions.
The project also aims to increase cultural sensitivity among nursing students and healthcare personnel working in different nursing environments, providing cultural mediator and cultural sensitivity training using the cultural mediator model as an innovative approach in Finland, which was piloted by HEED Finland in the Terkku project.
The target group for the project is African and Middle Eastern immigrants living in Espoo, Helsinki, Vantaa, Turku, and Tampere.

Key stakeholders and collaborators in the project include

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